Executive Board


President or Co-President

Work with each officer to ensure each person is getting their work done in a timely manner. Hold executive board meetings to check in.

Reach out to and work with organization’s advisors, CFD/LS advisors, and any other teachers who want to be involved in the organization. 

Work with AS and outside organizations as needed to promote and protect the organization.

Plan and facilitate bi-weekly meetings


Vice President

Work with President to ensure meetings are being run effectively, help with any work the President needs help with.

If any officer position is empty, VP is responsible for that position’s responsibilities.

Check in with other board members and offer support



Keep track of CFDSO bank account 

Plan 1-2 fundraisers each semester

Work with president to set budgets for events/meetings



Attend meetings and executive board meetings and take notes/minutes to share with president

Create any needed documents, attendance forms etc

Marketing Chair

Run our Instagram account

Create flyers for meetings, social events, and community service to post and send in group chat

Answer questions through DM’s and create relationships with other organizations

Make sure social media and advertising is accurate and up to date

Community Outreach

Find and organize community service opportunities

Send out emails with opportunities to members

COE Representative

Attend COESC meetings biweekly, time is different each semester

Take notes and report back to President and VP

Report on CFDSO meetings and events at COESC meetings

Events Chair

Plan social events and end of year banquets

Work with treasurer to get budget for events